Join your neighbors in funding weekly block cleanups with Glitter. Pledge any amount!
Glitter sweeps up all litter and trash from the sidewalk, street, and drains—every week.
The cleanup area includes both sides of W Price St from Wayne Ave to Marion St as well as Marion St from W Price St to W Rittenhouse St. Now!& Block of W Price St%26block_code%3D100WPrice%26four_week_rate%3D300&tab=1&darkMode=0&transparent=0&ftSize=25&ftFamily=Source Sans Pro&ftWeight=bold&ftStyle&cText=%23000000&cBg=%23ffe000&cHText=%232c94cf&cHBg=%23ffe000&bColor=%23000&bRadius=5&bSize=2&position=center&emoji&boxYpos=2&boxXpos=1&boxBlur=0&boxSpread=1&boxColor=rgb(15 15 15 %2F 10%25)&px=40&py=5
Your block is part of the Safe Steps Northwest Initiative, a state-funded program providing free cleaning for blocks in Germantown and Mt. Airy affected by gun violence. Our local cleaning team is paid a living wage and dedicated to making your block cleaner and safer.
The grant only funds cleaning for a limited time. To keep the cleanups going on your block, we invite you to pledge what you can. To make this service even more affordable, the grant will match every neighbor’s contribution for 6 months, providing 50% off the cost of cleaning.
Cleanup Status Our block is partially funded. Make a pledge today to help us reach our full funding goal.
Contact Glitter with questions and feedback: [email protected] or 215-436-9018
Invite Neighbors to Join
Safe Steps Northwest Overview
Subscription Details
Learn More about Glitter
<aside> 📍 Live on a different block and want your own Glitter subscription? Sign up today!